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SFTP File Transfer

SFTP file transfer for our reconciliation reports is available to merchants on request.

To set up file push to a merchant server Link Money will provide the merchant with a public key for SFTP key-pair authentication and will need the following information to be shared:

  • Path to server
  • Host name
  • Base directories of where the reports should be stored
  • Desired configurations for delivery

If a merchant requests to instead use a Link Money-provided SFTP server, they will need to generate a key pair and then provide Link Money with the following information:

  • Public Key
  • IP addresses that will be used to connect to SFTP server
  • Desired configurations for delivery to Link Money-provided server

Once a merchant has been setup for SFTP file transfer they will receive the following .CSV files to their server or be able to pull from the Link Money-provided server at the frequency and times requested.

Transactions File

File Name Format: Merchant Name_Transactions_Time Period for Which File is For

Columns included in this file:

  • Update

    If the transaction has been included in a previous report shared then the value will be “Yes”. If it’s the first time the transaction has been included in a file, the value will be “No”

  • Date of Transaction

    Date and time of when the transaction was initiated. This will be shared in ISO date and time with Z for the UTC indicator

  • Date of Settlement

    Date and time of when the transaction was completed. This will be shared in ISO date and time with Z for the UTC indicator

  • Client Reference ID

    Merchant-generated payment-related ID

  • Transaction ID

    Link Money-generated payment ID

  • Debit

    If the transaction is a debit/purchase then the dollar amount for the transaction will show

  • Credit

    If the transaction is a credit/refund then the dollar amount for the transaction will show

  • Currency

    This will show the currency used for the transaction in ISO currency code (alpha) format

  • Status

    The status of the transaction at the moment the report was generated. Possible values can be Created, Pending, Authorized, Scheduled, Initiated, Succeeded, Canceled, Failed and Returned

  • ACH Return Code

    The return code for both covered and non-covered returns

Payouts File

File Name Format: Merchant Name_Payouts_Time Period for Which File is For

  • Update

    If the payout has been included in a previous report shared then the value will be “Yes”. If it’s the first time the payout has been included in a file, the value will be “No”

  • Date of Payout

    Date and time of when the payout was initiated. This will be shared in ISO date and time with Z for the UTC indicator

  • Date of Settlement

    Date and time of when the payout was completed. This will be shared in ISO date and time with Z for the UTC indicator

  • Payout ID

    Link Money-generated payout ID

  • Status

    The status of the payout at the moment the report was generated. Possible values can be Created, Scheduled, Initiated, Disbursed, Canceled, Failed and Returned

  • Last 4

    Last 4 of the account that is the destination for the payout

  • Amount

    The amount of the payout in the specified currency

  • Currency

    This will show the currency used for the payout in ISO currency code (alpha) format