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Before testing an integration in the production environment, which involves real financial institutions, or FIs, and the transfer of real money, Link Money allows testing in lower environments that have no real-world consequences. Integrations can be tested in the following progression:

  • Sandbox - Test FIs

    Test FIs

    Simulated money transfer

  • Sandbox - Real FIs

    Real FIs

    Simulated money transfer

  • Production

    Real FIs

    Real money transfer

Sandbox - Test FIs


Client ID/Secret: Sandbox keys must be used

During the account linking process, select any of the following test financial institutions:

  • FinBank Profiles - A

Use any of the following credentials to log into the bank:

Test bank logins

  • profile_522

    Select any of the provided accounts

    To test successful linking and payments up to $9000

  • profile_08

    Select any of the provided accounts

    To test successful linking and insufficient funds

NOTE: The passwords are all the same as their corresponding usernames. For example: username: profile_08 -> password: profile_08

Sandbox - Real FIs

The URLs are the same as in the Sandbox - Test FIs environment. You can choose any real financial institution for testing. Please use real bank account credentials to log into the selected institution.

NOTE: If an email is used in any Finbank in Sandbox then that email may only be used in Finbanks moving forward. The same applies to real FIs in Sandbox such that if an email is already used for a real FI, i.e. Chase, then it may only be used in real FIs from then on.



Client ID/Secret: Production keys must be used

Production environment is the final phase which will be used for your deployed integration. It will use real financial institutions and involve real money transfers.